The Edo State Police Command has arrested a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Jaret Tenebe, and one Akeem Zibiri, a retired officer of the NDLEA, over alleged illegal possession of arms and invasion of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) office in Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State.
Tenebe, alongside the NDLEA officer, allegedly led some thugs to the INEC office in Etsako West in the early hours of Thursday, where they were apprehended by the police.
The culprits were said to be on a mission to loot and tamper with sensitive materials ahead of Saturday’s House of Assembly elections in Edo State.
The police said they were arrested following on an intelligence report and have been taken to state CID for detention and further prosecution.
Tenebe, widely suspected to be an active sponsor of thuggery and bunkering, had earlier in a viral video online threatened to cause mayhem in the state, and boastfully stated that he could not be arrested by the police.
Details soon…