Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan’s ‘bad governance’ in Delta State, has made him to be nick-named “Na Who you help?”,The attributes that must have contributed to the present unfortunate ‘public view’ of Uduaghan’s administration as it close to an end, is the fact that Governor Uduaghan does not listen to the voice of relevant stakeholders who offer ‘good advice’ that would help his administration.
Even when ‘constructive criticisms’ are given about the Delta State Government and their activities, those concerned are viewed as ‘enemies of the governor’ who should not be listened to. Uduaghan does not listen to the voice of ‘positive advice’. His best and good friends in all the Local Government Areas across Delta State are those who praise him for practically doing nothing, and those who usually collaborate with him to execute ‘failed and abandoned contracts’. The praise singers and sycophants are the people the Governor has surrounded himself with. Let us recall this was how Uduaghan’s cousin James Ibori (as former governor of Delta State) was praised into the UK prison with many aliases such as the “Ogidigboigbo of Africa”, by the so called praise-singers.
The Oil City of Warri is where Uduaghan and his family lived before he went into politics and that is where they will continue to live after he exits government’s house, but we would like to ask the Governor to carry out a simple experiment; by going round the oil city of Warri and environs ‘unnoticed’ and then judge for himself the public’s view about his eight years of being in government. He should go round unnoticed and judge his own performance by himself, he will not only be surprised by the poor public view about his administration, but he will also see that truly indeed, he did not do well. Apart from the few public school buildings he has refurbished in Itsekiri dominated areas in Warri, there is practically nothing tangible or sustainable that can be used to rate the Uduaghan government on. This is no exaggeration, but well-meaning and honest Deltans can attest to this ‘undeniable fact’.
What the Delta State soon-to-be-outgoing Governor have failed to realize (or has forgotten) is that Delta State money is not his personal wealth and that of his family but the wealth of the State is for the entire people of Delta State. Governor Uduaghan and his ex-convict cousin James Ibori, are rated to be richer than the entire Delta State populace. The question is, how much is Uduaghan’s honest Salaries and allowances as Governor of Delta State for eight years? When compared to his current vast estates and assets across Warri, Asaba, Abuja and only God Knows where else, can we honestly say Governor Uduaghan’s pay commensurate what he owns? If he cannot justify this, where then did he get the wealth from? What was Governor Uduaghan’s assets before he entered government and what is the current status of this? We all know the obvious answers to these questions.
But like we said in our last write-up on this subject, we should stop deceiving ourselves by telling our political leaders the truth and nothing but the truth. The few people that praise the Delta State Governor know in their deep hearts that this administration has not performed as expected going by the enormous revenue it enjoyed. But they will prefer to praise the governor because of what they are gaining or expected to gain from the system. However, we are glad that majority of the people in Delta State are beginning to see things clearly and differently, hence, the nick name: “Na Who you help?” given to Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan. What a ‘dishonourable’ way for one to bow out of a government he has enjoyed for eight years. The soon-to-be-outgoing Delta State Governor Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan and his convicted cousin, Chief James Ibori (who is serving prison term in the UK over corruption charges), had the opportunity to ‘transform’ and make Warri Oil City to be like Aberdeen and Dubia in their sixteen(16) years of being Governors of Delta State, but they blew it.