I trowey salut to all de koshora gurus wey nor waste time to helep awa pipo to undastand wetin koshor mean and how to use am wella to arrange de way we all take de run tins for awa difrent kabal. If not for dis pipo so, wey nor rest for de mata wey konsan koshor, l no sure say awa film industry for don fit inprove reach wia e don reach so. Who no go, no fit no, as all lizards wey put belle for ground, no com let us no which one get stomak wahala.
Dis mata wey konsan koshor so, no be today e start. De mata don full ground as pipo wey respect dia koshor die, no fit trowey eye from any gbege wey fit make dem koshor be like wetin nor get level. All of us no say respect na resiproka, which mean say, na de kain level of respect wey you tro com my side like bancing ball, me too go tro go ya side for yonda. Dis one so, no cheating inside, infact no lele, bicos na as you do me l go also do you.
My kweshon now be say, bifor Oyinbos dem show for we area, we don hold koshor strong as na wetin we de take no who get some kain level. E nor de shock you wen e be say if you find yaself for some kain kabal, men go de ask you which level, wia you from come, who be ya papa or wia ya papa build house put? Dis kweshon nor de shock us as African pipo, bicos, na who ya papa be go show to odas who you be. You fit be stranger wey go build house for anoda community, but you must to respect de koshor of de pipo for dat community.
Oyinbos dem enta awa kontri with dem own koshor and com use am to konfuse us. Na de mata from dat time so we still de suffer as we de still de wonda wonda as to wetin nak us akpako like dis. Dat time so, afta de Oyinbos dem come use style style take enta us and com use bible to re-arange awa brains, na from dat time we com begin de strongu to take find awa level for inside awa community so dat awa koshor nor go com kpai. If una rison dis mata with adult eyes, una go see say, any community or kontri wey nor take dem koshor serious nor fit go far for anytin. Many of dis konfushon de among Wetin make Africa still de shake like barber chair and like blind man wey wan kross express road.
Koshor get e own filosofi wey be de rison why koshor nor fit de like pillar for junction. Na de filosofi of koshor still be de rison why awa koshor neva die and why e de inprove evri day. Koshor na wetin kip us togeda as one pipo, na de rope wey tie us togeda as one pipo and dis same filosofi, na wetin de helep us to no who we be and how to take kontinu to no wia we de from com, wia we don de and wia we de go. All of us no say, oyinbo discribe koshor as de way wey we all de take de awa de with awa selves and oda pipo. If we rison dis definishon so, we go also com see say, koshor be like riva water wey de always de flow instead of to de one place.
If una rison de way l take discribe koshor and filosofi, we go com see say, for koshor to develop, e need filosofi to use koret adult eyes to rison how human kretivity, human brains on how we take de wahala awa minds to make sure say tins de wella plus com use de experience of dis human beings for dis dia kabal to take develop dia kabal. So dia for, na filosofi be de driver wey de drive de motor wey we de call koshor. Now, de tin wey com de inside dis mata very jus now be say, how dis koshor plus dis filosofi of koshor take make sense for film mata? Again, nor be society wey wahala nor de shele evri day fit rison development mata? If to say, men nor mount dos days gidigba like gallant sojas, we for fit get mouth to de yan about koshor or filosofi?
Anyways, koshora filosofi or filosofi of koshor fit be like say dem mean de same tin, but sha small small difrence de inside. Again, de mata wey konsan me inside all dis be say, we for Africa and Naija kpakpa, neva fit rison how we fit use dis koshora filosofi to take develop awa film bizness. True true, awa films don suppose mount guard for awa mind and evri pipo wey watch awa films for any wia arand de world, but e nor com be like dat. Again, na why?
Awa film pipo don reach de level to take no say, no be devel to get or kuza to gain be de only rison to make us de do films. We suppose to no awa koshor wella, find how we fit use film to make am get more level and to even arange de road to lead awa koshor to beta ogbonge development. True true, awa film pipo suppose Don undastand say, na wetin dem want de pipo to no or to learn dem fit use dia films to do. Film na anoda tin wey fit wear filosofi agbada to take give level to koshor and if dem fit make film to gallantly reach dis level, dat is to say, Naija don enta anoda level of rosining be dat. Las las, na wetin we as African pipo even want sef? Na only wen you no wia you de go, you fit enta de right bus to de right place. As film pipo sef, we really no wia we de go, we don reach de right bus stop so? Na wen awa eyes don clear we all go fit com no if we don land de right bus stop. Until den, no kpai or delete yaself bicos, baba God gat us for him mind.