Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his noble family, and his righteous companions.

Respected brothers and sisters, today, we continue our discussion on the importance of swiftness in virtuous deeds. As we explored last week, hastening in good actions is a profound characteristic of the believer. It reflects a deep understanding of the transient nature of life and the eternal rewards of righteousness.

Recap of last week’s discussion. To briefly recap, we discussed the following virtuous deeds that demand swiftness: Performing the Five Daily Prayers: Regular and punctual prayer is the foundation of our faith.

Seeking Forgiveness: Constantly seeking Allah’s forgiveness is essential for spiritual purity.

Repaying Debts: Promptly fulfilling financial obligations is a moral imperative.

Conducting Funerals: Hastening the funeral rites is a sign of respect for the deceased.

Performing Marriages: Expediting the marriage process is encouraged to prevent fitna.

Delivering Justice: Swift and impartial judgment is a cornerstone of a just society.

Facilitating the Conversion to Islam: Assisting those who wish to embrace Islam should be done promptly.

Reconciliation: Resolving disputes quickly is a noble act. Continuing the Discourse Today

Today, we will delve into additional virtuous deeds that require swiftness:

Seeking Knowledge: The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey. We must seize every opportunity to learn and grow. Knowledge is light, and it illuminates our path in this world and the Hereafter. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.” Satan is more scared of one knowledgeable person than a whole community. He feels that a knowledgeable person cannot be deceived to commit errors because he knows.

Fulfilling Promises: A person of integrity keeps their word. Breaking promises erodes trust and harms relationships.

Prompt Payment of Wages: Timely payment of wages is a basic human right. Delaying payment is unjust and can lead to dire consequences. It is sad to see people who after the Labourer has completed their job, they start to find fault because they do not want to pay. Let us know that on judgement day, we will be called to answer.

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil: Speaking out against wrong and advocating for righteousness is a duty for every Muslim. If you know the truth and you are silent, you are guilty of bidding the truth. And this can cause destruction. Also, speaking the truth timely can help to prevent crises.

Giving Charity: Charity is a means of purifying wealth and seeking Allah’s pleasure. It is a form of investment in the Hereafter. Do not think that giving charity will depreciate your wealth. Be informed that your wealth is a test.

Seeking Medical Treatment: Taking care of one’s health is a responsibility. Delaying treatment can worsen illnesses and lead to complications. Do not delay it for any reason. The earlier, the better.

Performing Dhikr and Dua: Regular remembrance of Allah and supplication are essential for spiritual growth and protection from harm. Do supplication before and after every activity.

Speaking Truthfully : Honesty is a hallmark of a righteous person. Always strive to speak the truth, even if it is bitter.

Eating Breakfast: A healthy breakfast provides energy for the day and enhances focus and productivity. Even if you are fasting, please break according to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Planting Trees: Planting trees is a sustainable act of charity that benefits both the present and future generations. Islam has taught us the benefits of tree planting before forestry practices which encourages tree planting now.

Removing Obstacles from the Path: Clearing obstacles from the path of others is a form of kindness and compassion. It is sunnatic to do so.

Teaching Others: Sharing knowledge is a noble act that can benefit countless individuals.

In conclusion, swiftness in virtuous deeds is a characteristic of the true believer. By hastening in good actions, we can draw closer to Allah, purify our souls, and contribute to the betterment of society. May Allah grant us the strength and wisdom to prioritize virtuous deeds and to act upon them promptly. Ameen

Mallam Harun Umar writes from the Edo State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board’s Central Mosque Benin City