Worksheets are needed for this portion of The Hallelujah Diet. You can find these worksheets in the Appendices in the back of this book. Or you can visit our Web site at to download the worksheets in FDF format. If you don’t have access to the Internet, you can call Hallelujah Acres at 800-915-9355 and we’ll be happy to send you the worksheets at no charge.
For those who are serious about making this diet change and adopting The Hallelujah Diet, there are some things you can do that will make reaching your goal much easier.
As long as you have bad foods readily available in your home, it will be difficult to avoid eating them. Think about a drinker or smoker who is trying to quit, but still keeps that little it of alcohol or tobacco around just to test his willpower. It never Works! So, to help you reach your goal of health, one of the first things I would suggest doing is to eliminate from your kitchen all food and drink items that will hinder you from successfully reaching your goal. That’s how I did it in 1976, and I’ve never looked back; nor have I brought back into my home anything that doesn’t positively contribute to my health!
Let me suggest that you go through your pantry cupboards and refrigerator, and get rid of all food items that are harmful to your body and that will hinder you from reaching your goal of health. Use the chart of Foods to Avoid on page 144 of Chapter Ten and be unmerciful. After all, these foods haven’t done you any favors, have they? This food evacuation would include getting rid of:
· All animal products (meat, dairy, and eggs);
· All products containing refined sugar (pastries, candy, soda, etc.);
· All bleached white flour and all products containing bleached white flour;
· All caffeine products (coffee, tea, and chocolate);
· I would also get rid of the salt and black pepper shakers.
The items just listed are the cause, or are a contributing cause, of most of the physical problems people experience.
Some of these foods have been our comfort foods for a long time, but they are also addictive and either contributed to or are the causes of the physical problems we’ve been experiencing. As long as we continue to have these foods around, they will no doubt tempt us, and we’ll ultimately break down and eat them, no matter how strong our desire to the contrary. And if we yield to them, we will continue to put off our goal of health.
As you clean out your pantry, cupboards, and refrigerator, you should think positive thoughts, remembering the fuels we discussed earlier. Think about your automobile and the fuel it was designed to run on and how badly it runs when you put a low-grade fuel into the tank. Why does this happen? The vehicle was designed by the maker to run on a certain octane of fuel.
Then think about your beautiful physical body—a body that was designed by its Creator to run on a certain grade of fuel too. We need to remember how we’ve been filling it with a low-grade fuel of unhealthy food arid drink, causing our bodies to ping and knock. In other words, the foods we eat are the causes of our sickness! So what do we have to do if we really desire health? Change the fuel! Yes, simply change what we eat and drink from low-grade to high-grade fuel.
Keep these thoughts in the forefront of your mind as you make the changes. Changing your fuel to higher grade will force, your body to start cleansing itself by getting rid of the toxic waste that has built up over time, and that will allow your body to begin regenerating itself.
The number-one concept to remember here is: The body is a living organism comprised of living cells and designed by its Creator to run on raw, living food. Life begets life! Death cannot produce life. Living foods properly nourish the living cells of our bodies and start moving us from just dragging along in life and suffering physical problems, to experiencing abundant energy and ultimate health.
In the Appendices of this book, you’ll find more helpful worksheets:
Appendix C: Starting Point — List A: SAD Food List & journal
Follow the instructions on this worksheet; review the list of SAD foods, then journal your food choices for one week. Use this worksheet simultaneously with Lists B & C.
Appendix D: Starting Point — List B: Living Food List & Journal Follow the instructions on this worksheet; review the list of living foods, then journal your food choices for one week. Use this worksheet simultaneously with Lists A & C.
Appendix E: Starting Point — List C: Cooked Food List & Journal
Follow the instructions on this worksheet; review the list of healthy cooked foods, then journal your food choices for one week. Use this worksheet simultaneously with Lists A & B.
Appendix F: Destination — Replacement Journal
Use these worksheets to help you document your remarkable work replacing one SAD food item with one healthy choice at each meal for one week.
Now let’s go shopping! But as we go shopping, we’re going with new knowledge and with new eyes! So based on this new knowledge, we’re going to spend the majority of our time in that section of the store that contains the living foods. And, of course, that section of the store is called the produce department, because it will produce a healthy new you!
To help you on your first journey to the grocery store, in order to stock up on foods for your new life, I suggest you take a copy of the list of Living Foods to Include (page 142) and the list o Cooked Food to Include (page 143). Make sure you get as many of these foods as possible, replacing and skipping your old standby foods from the list of Bad and SAD Foods (page 144). Of course, these are basic guidelines that you’ll have to adjust according to your family size, budget, and storage ability.
There are many staples you’ll acquire over time, but the more you have on hand when you get started, the more fun you’ll have in preparing a delicious variety of new dishes.
While in the produce department, pay close attention to items labeled “organic.” A growing number of supermarkets in our country are starting to carry a nice line of organic foods, as many health food stores have been doing for years. Organic means the food was grown without the use of chemical fertilizer or poisonous sprays. These are the most desirable, but they are often more expensive. Look for “special sale” items. There are parts of our country where organic hasn’t quite caught on yet, where the demand doesn’t warrant the store carrying such items unless you specifically ask for them.
Local farmers’ markets are often excellent places to buy fresh produce during the growing season, and often you can find organic farmers at these markets who not only offer organic fruits and vegetables, but some will even grow particular foods for you organically if you ask them. (Go back to page 153 in Chapter Eleven for more information on living and organic foods).
For the 15 percent of your diet that allows for some cooked food, you need to read labels carefully. Look for foods that contain whole grains, such as whole wheat, brown rice, and many other interesting grains found in health food stores, like quinoa, spelt, barley and sesame. Also look for foods that contain no salt, no preservative no MSG (monosodium glutamate) no colorings, no sugar, etc.
If you’re considering something already manufactured, avoid products that contain ingredients that are harmful to your health, such as those just listed. If the ingredient list sounds like a chemistry experience beware! It is! Don’t be the guinea pig.
Eating out isn’t as difficult as you might think. Rhonda and I have found that one of the best places to get a decent meal while on the road is at a steakhouse, believe it or not! They usually have a nice salad bar, where you can get a colorful variety of raw vegetables for a salad. Most offer a baked potato which you can order plain and then go dress it yourself at the salad bar with broccoli mushrooms, scallions, and other fresh veggies. You can also order some cooked vegetables which you can always ask to
be just barely cooked—call it “Japanese style” (only threatened with heat), very lightly steamed, or quickly stir-fried. We’ve found that most restaurants even if they don’t have a vegan meal on the menu—will prepare one for you if you ask nicely. One woman I know makes it a game to ask for one item from one dish, another from a second dish, and then charms the staff into creating a healthy masterpiece. Besides, who knows what your behavior might get started for those who hear your requests for healthy items?
When we’re traveling, we keep meals simple. We always carry Barley Max with us, along with a jug of distilled water— that takes care of breakfast. All supermarkets have fresh fruit available for our lunch. We also have a portable refrigerator that plugs into the cigarette lighter outlet in our car. This allows us to ‘carry perishable items, like fruit for lunch. And when we take our juicer with us to make vegetable juice in our motel room, we carry our carrots in the cooler.
Another occasional convenience some people fall back on is Subway restaurant. They will prepare a nice Veggie Delight sandwich to your own specs, on whole wheat with no cheese and a wide Variety of fresh salad items. It’s also the best value on their menu.
When invited out, we always make sure that folks know ahead of lime we’re on a special diet “for our health!” Most people will accept that reason for our eating a little differently and they’ll accommodate us. Just let them know you can eat anything but animal products and foods containing sugar. And if think that will present a problem, you can bring along a nice salad to be placed on the table with what they’ve already prepared. Most people will appreciate that, and you’ll have something you can eat.
As for the holidays, we’ve found that to be easy also; we just prepare the sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, stuffing, pearled onions and peas, cranberry sauce, apple or pumpkin pie, with honey as a sweetener, etc. All we’ve done is left off the turkey and sugary desserts! In fact, there are some wonderfully healthy and delicious deserts that can be made without sugar. Look through the recipes at the end of this book to find samples from Rhonda Hallelujah Holiday Recipes From God’s Garden.
There are some basic tools that make food preparation easier, faster, and more fun. Some are necessities, while others are just nice to have but not absolute necessities.
The single most important dietary components needed for The Hallelujah Diet are vegetable juices, especially if dealing with a serious health problem! Vegetable juices are what provide our cells with the most powerful building materials available. We don’t want to skimp here!
I don’t recommend a centrifugal juicer. These types of juicers spin a basket at several thousand RPMs and pump oxygen into the juice. This causes oxidation and a rapid loss of nutrients and enzymes. The juice made from a centrifugal juicer has no “keeping power” and must be consumed immediately.
There are only three juicers that I recommend at the current time:
1. The Champion Juicer. The juice from this machine will stay fresh for an entire day.
2. The Green Star Juicer. The juice from this machine will keep for two to three days under refrigeration.
3. The Norwalk Press, which is the Cadillac of juicers (the cost is around $2,000—more than most people can afford). The juice from this machine will also stay fresh under refrigeration for two to three days.
The above juicers can make all your pureed baby food as well as irresistibly delicious raw frozen fruit sorbet.
Those on The Hallelujah Diet consume a lot of water, and our preferred source of that water is “steam distilled.” Distilled water can be purchased in plastic containers in the supermarket for usually under a dollar per gallon. But we can get better quality water at a lower cost per gallon by distilling the water at home, right in our own kitchen. There is an initial cost for the distiller, but over time, it will pay for itself.
Blenders have many uses in a Hallelujah Kitchen—from making salad dressings, to frozen banana smoothies, to blended salads, and so much more. Inexpensive blenders from a discount store will do a reasonable job, but eventually you might want to consider a VitaMix. These powerful machines literally break apart the, cell walls of foods, making digestion much more efficient. Almond milk made in a VitaMix has practically no sediment and is a delicious and affordable alternative to milk.
A food processor cuts your food preparation time considerably. Instead of chopping vegetables for hours, the same processing can be done in minutes using a food processor.
There are numerous other little tools and gadgets that can be very helpful. There is even a tool for making spaghetti-like strands or thinly sliced veggies, but the tools listed above will at least get you started.