PORNOGRAPHY is among the forces that has enslaved our generation, especially, the youths. Some married men and women are also involved. Unfortunately, the porn industry happens to be making more money than any other industry in the world today. Its demand and consumption have reached unimaginable rates. A lot of people go into pornography out of curiosity while many others got themselves initiated because of the influence of people and social media.
Most people are even using it as a means of livelihood. Young people are paid heavily to expose their private parts to the public, especially in social media. Pornography has eaten deep into the Nigerian movie industry, so much so that one can hardly finish a movie without a pornographic material. Even the secular music industrial is all about erotic songs and dances.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes pornography as a grave offense and a sin against chastity: “Pornography consists in removing real or simulated sexual acts from intimacy of the partners, in order to display them deliberately to third parties. It offends against chastity because it perverts the conjugal act. It does grave injury to the dignity of its participants… It immerses all who are involved in the illusion of a fantasy world. It is a grave offense.” The CCC further recommends that “Civil authorities should prevent the production and distribution of pornographic material” (CCC, no. 2354).
Unfortunately, even the civil authorities have failed to control the spread of pornographic materials. Pornographic material is available, affordable and accessible. It is almost everywhere, one can easily view them from the internet, television, and even the handset. Almost all the social Medias are channels through which people can view pornography. This is the most unfortunate thing that has ever happened to our generation. Its availability and affordability has affected the moral standard of our society. The youths are vulnerable and seriously addicted to pornography.
The Holy Father, Pope Francis, expressed worry over the negative effect of pornography. The internet, according to him, is polluted with pornography and all kinds of garbage. The Holy Father recommends that parents should not allow their children to have computers in their bedroom but in common places. According to him, they are “bad for the soul” and are actually a “psychological illness, It makes you a slave to your computer.”  Every religious and political leader must be worried and must do everything possible to liberate the youths from the addiction and negative influence of pornography
Pornography is like a cancer that progresses silently. It pollutes the soul subtly. Scientific evidence shows the great damage pornography it causes both to the producers and consumers and even the environment. It creates a world of illusion and fantasy. It is not as real as it is often portrayed. It portrays a distorted image of love. One of the dangers that are involved in viewing pornography is that it disconnects one from the real world.
Pornography leads to Masturbation. It triggers sexual feeling and desire which leads to regular masturbation. Masturbation is not just an immoral act, it has a biological implication. It can easily affect one’s sexual reproduction. Most of those who engage in pornography and masturbation often withdraw to themselves. It has a very negative effect on one’s marital and spiritual life.
Pornography reduces human beings to sexual and immoral object: whereas human beings are rational beings. A rational being acts with reason and not just under emotion or compulsion. Self-control is one of the factors that determine a rational being. Pornography undermines the human reasoning. It projects the emotion over and above human reason. If human beings are unable to control their feelings and emotions they are not in any way different from other animals.
Pornography can easily cut one off from healthy social relationship: It presents a shallow, selfish and self centered sexuality.  Human beings are social beings. They cannot exist in isolation. Computers and the use of pornography can easily isolate one from others. It can even cut one off from the full potential sexual and marital experiences.
Pornography is among the most powerful Addiction in the world. One can easily depend upon pornography in order to cope with life’s challenges, difficulties or emotional stressors, such as anger, boredom, loneliness, stress or fatigue. When one is addicted to pornography it takes the grace of God and discipline to break this addition. Prevention is always better than cure.
Pornography presents the human body as a commercial product: human body is no longer seen as a sacred entity. Those in this industry do not believe in the sacredness of human body. They do not believe that there is any part of the body that is “private part.” For them, every part of the body, including the sexual organ, can be exposed to the public without any remorse or shame; whereas the Christian bible describes the human body as the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19)
Pornography can lead to domestic violence, such as rape and child sexual abuse. Pornography triggers forceful and uncontrollable emotional feelings. Such forceful feelings can easily lead to rape, child sexual abuse, etc. Pornography is actually the cause of the rapid increase of rape cases in the society today. The more people are exposed to pornography the more violent and inhuman they become.
Pornography causes Depression and other psychological problems: Viewers of pornography are the most isolated and depressed people in the society. Pornography can easily affect the human mind in a negative and destructive way. It makes one to feel emotionally empty and lonely. It also disconnects one from people around. Since, it affect human relationships, those involved can easily get irritated or depressed.
Above all, pornography is sinful and immoral: Our Lord Jesus Christ condemns lustful look, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell” (Matthew 5:27-29). If by looking at a woman that is well dressed (lustfully) can lead one into hell how much more looking at a naked woman in the name of pornography!
There is no doubt; so many people are into pornography, the question we must consider briefly is how one can be liberated from this bondage. Problem known is problem solve: If you have been watching pornography and you really want to quit, the first thing you must do is to accept the fact that you have a problem. Most people do not see anything wrong with pornography. After all, some people are beginning to see it as an acceptable way of life. Pornography is indeed a fundamental problem facing our society. This awareness is the first step to liberation.
You need other people’s Help. A tree can never make a forest! It is not just enough to accept the problem. When you discover that you have problem with pornography try to seek for help. In this case, you need competent hand to assist you. Consult a priest, a pastor or even a psychologist for counseling, prayer and other spiritual support.
Engage yourself with useful activities: Remember, an idle mind is devil’s workshop. If you are busy with work and other useful activities there is no way the devil can easily tempt you. Do not preoccupy your mind with evil thoughts. Read good books, listen to gospel music, and fill your mind with the word of God.
Pray and visit the Blessed Sacraments frequently. The greatest support will always come through prayer. Look for God. You cannot succeed without God. As Jesus rightly says, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Struggling without God makes no sense.  Seek for forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Pray and listen to gospel music.
Mix up with people and Support others: Pornography has to do with isolation, selfishness, and slavery. Whereas the easiest way out is to live a communal life, a life of sharing, care and support. Do not isolate yourself from people. Be Sincere and try to help yourself. Heaven help those who help themselves. No amount of counseling and spiritual directions will work unless you are determined to help yourself. First, destroy all the pornographic material in your possession. If you must use the internet then you must disciple yourself, avoid pornographic sites.
LIBERATION PRAYER: You spirit of pornography, today, I renounce you. I disconnect myself from every immoral pictures and videos. Lord Jesus, deliver me from the spirit of pornography. Create in me a new and contrite spirit. Fill my heart with the love of the Holy Spirit. May I never separate myself from you again; you who live and reign forever and ever – Amen!

Rev. Fr Damian Adizie
Mobile: +234-8076635886
e-mail: Johndamianocd