Men of God, being the disciples of Christ, are commanded to keep themselves unspotted from the world, because this is the pure religion that is undefiled before God, as written in JAMES 1:24. Men of God, including the saints of God are not of the world, even as Jesus Christ was not of the world, as written in JOHN 17:16.
Genuine men of God, and indeed all the saints of God, should always be at war with principalities and powers, with spiritual wickedness in high places, with the rulers of the darkness of the world, which make up the army of Satan. Men of God and indeed, the saints of God, are soldiers of Christ, warring against Satan’s army, and so, should not be at ease in Zion. They are not to entangle themselves with the affairs of this life, that they may please Jesus who hath chosen them as soldiers, as written in 1 TIMOTHY 2:4. Many believers in Christ are ignorant of the fact that the world and its vainglory, belong to Satan, because he is the prince of this world, as written in JOHN 12:31, and I quote, “Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan with the kingdoms of the world and their vain glories, as written in MATTHEW 4:8-9, and I quote, “And again the devil taketh Him up unto an exceeding high mountain, and showeth Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, and said unto Him, all these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” Unfortunately, many men of God have fallen down and worshipped the devil, having accepted the kingdom of the world of politics and its vain glory.

Jesus, in JOHN 6:15, declined the earthly honour of being made a king, because He knew that His kingdom was not of this world,, as written in John 18:36, and I quote, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” In like manner, the kingdom of saints of God is not of this world. Their kingdom is yet to come, when they will reign with Christ as kings and priests, as written in REVELATION 5:10, and I quote, “AND HAST MADE US UNTO OUR GOD KINGS AND PRIESTS: AND WE SHALL REIGN ON THE EARTH.”

The sons and daughters of God, who have been sanctified by the truth, are warned by the Spirit of God, NOT to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers and are commanded by the Almighty God to come out from amongst them and be separate, as written in II Corinthians 6:14-18, and I quote, “BE YE NOT UNEQUALLY YOKED TOGETHER WITH UNBELIEVERS: FOR WHAT FELLOWSHIP HATH RIGHTEOUSNESS WITH UNRIGHTEOUSNESS? AND WHAT COMMUNION HATH LIGHT WITH DARKNESS? AND WHAT CONCORD HATH CHRIST WITH BELIAL? OR WHAT PART HATH HE THAT BELIEVETH WITH AN INFIDEL? AND WHAT AGREEMENT HATH THE TEMPLE OF GOD WITH IDOLS? FOR YE ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD; AS GOD HATH SAID, I WILL DWELL IN THEM, AND WALK IN THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE. WHEREPFORE COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, AND BE YE SEPARATE, SAITH THE LORD, AND TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING; AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU, AND WILL BE A FATHER UNTO YOU, AND YE SHALL BE MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS, SAITH THE LORD ALMIGHTY.” Partisan politics is an unclean thing that must not be touched by the saints of God, who are soldiers enlisted into the army of the Lord, to fight against the unseen forces in the nation! The uncleanness in partisan politics, is in its intrigues and maneuverings, because according to dictionary definition, politics is an act of maneuverings and intrigues. A partisan politician is, therefore, an INTRIGUER OR A MANEUVRERER which contradicts the divine nature of the holiness of Christ, which men of God are supposed to possess, as written in 1 THESSALONIANS 4:7, and I quote, “FOR GOD HATH NOT CALLED US unto uncleanness (in this case, into partisan politicking ), BUT UNTO HOLINESS.”

Men of God or the saints of God, who get themselves entangled in partisan politicking, must be in friendship with the world and must be friends of the world. And the Spirit of God says in JAMES 4:4, and I quote, “YE ADULTERERS AND ADULTERESSES, KNOW YE NOT THAT THE FRIENDSHIP OF THE WORLD IS ENMITY WITH GOD? WHOSOEVER THEREFORE WILL BE A FRIEND OF THE WORLD IS THE ENEMY OF GOD.” And all spiritual adulterers and spiritual adulteresses, who are enemies of God, cannot inherit the kingdom of God, thus saith the Spirit of God in 1 CORINTHIANS 6:9. It is IMPOSSIBLE to serve two masters! One cannot serve God and at the same time serve the “god” of the world of politics.
And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. And every one that is of the truth heareth my voice; he that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches, thus saith the LORD GOD. .