Catholics, today, Wednesday, February, 22, 2023, received the sign of the cross on their foreheads as an outward act of immolation and submission to the will of God along the way of the Cross, an act which culminates directly into a forty day fast period.
Ash Wednesday, kicks off the Lenten season in the Catholic liturgical calendar.
The period enables Christians just like Jesus Christ, to walk the talk, through acts of humility, kindness, fasting, piety, forgiveness/atonement for sins and charity. It is a precursor to Easter, (Resurrection of Jesus Christ); the reenactment of his salvific journey.
Stressing on the need for a spiritual metanoia by all in his homily, “Return to God with Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving,” Rev. Fr. Evaristus Abu declared, “Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments.”(Joel 2:12-13)
He remarked that every year, the voice of the Prophet, Joel, ushers us into the season of Lent with a beautiful message of hope that begins with two powerful words: “EVEN NOW”. He maintained that if you are alive today and are able to read or listen to this message, it means God has given you another chance. It is not too late to return with all your heart to him.
Pointing to the second reading, the priest highlighted Saint Paul’s words, “Now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation,” to let people know there is no place for procrastination, which he observed, is the thief of time. He urged people never to keep until tomorrow, whatever good they can do today, for they do not know which is their last day on earth.
Speaking on the symbolic importance of the event, he upheld that ashes remind us of our own death; the fact that one day, we shall become dust, and the fact that we profit nothing if we gain the world and lose our souls.
He encouraged Christians to make the most of this Lent by applying themselves fully to all the spiritual exercises with sincerity and a genuine purpose. Quoting scripture, he said, Do not show off. Joel says: “Rend your heart, not your garment.” Jesus warns: “Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for you will have no reward in heaven.”
In line with church tradition, Ash Wednesday is marked using ashes sourced from burnt palm fronds used for the ceremonial “triumphal entry of Jesus Christ, into Jerusalem,” the previous year. The reminder, “Remember that you are dust and unto dust, you shall return,” said by the clergy while signing foreheads of communicants, gains traction through pondering on the reason for the season, aside being a clear punchline that man is but a sojourner on earth.