Today is Good Friday. Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week and it is the Friday before Easter. Today is also the last Friday in the month of March.

Yesterday, all nursery, primary and secondary schools went on second term holiday to resume, depending on the school, last week of April or first week of May. For Edo State, it is the last week of April.

Hello, my highly esteemed parents, are you happy or are you among those parents who will look for holiday lesson teacher for the children to continue learning and not rest as the school has declared? Please let the children rest, no strict academic work again; allow them to do their holiday assignment from school, try to strengthen their weak areas.

Please those of us who still have children in nursery, primary and secondary schools, how was their results? End of term could burden parents and children with expectations of high grades. For me, going to school should not just be about high grade; success goes beyond just being academically smart. As a parent there is need to help your children to develop character traits like grit, perseverance, curiosity, soft skills like growth mindset, self-control and motivation. For children to develop success mindset and be strengthened over time, grit, that is, the passion and perseverance to keep pursuing long-term goals, having a supportive family that provides structure, routine and encouragement can be a great opportunity for growth, exposing children to experience concerned teachers, mentors and peers can contribute a lot to a child’s social and emotional well-being and success in life, not just overly concerned with passing examination with high grades. As parents, it is important for us not to measure our children’s success according to other parents’ standard. Children succeed differently, everyone’s progress looks different. Encourage your children to focus inward for outward success.

As parents, we are constantly pushing our children to be in a chronic state of fight and flight mode because of our definition and expectation of success. We rush them to school early in the morning, we make them compete with classmates for high grades, compete during sport for trophy and medals, compete with their siblings over who comes home at the end of the term with best results.

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Dear fellow parents, the children’s nervous system needs play, quietness, relaxation and creativity, even as we parents also need it. Our children are human beings, not machines. This holiday season is for rest and play time with parents. A thriving child is a wholesome child who will always look up and be seen and experienced as a steady and calm child with minor mood fluctuation, able to appropriately adjust to changes and able to effectively communicate, but a surviving child will struggle in the above areas.

What kind of child will your child come out like after this holiday? It is easy to raise a thriving child with this knowledge. Increase these in the brain of your child and see a joyful thriving child emerge after the holiday season.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in pleasure, motivation and learning. It is a chemical messenger and signal to the brain. It is achieved through eating good food with your children, celebrating their success and win, playing outdoor games, watching a family movie together with the kids, etc. Intentionally set out time to do children and parents enjoyment time with your children, plan to set up your leave during your children’s holiday.

Gaba is a neurotransmitter. It is an anti-anxiety agent and we can help create it by creating time to play rough and tumble game with your children; riding a bike or running, swimming, teaching some form of mindfulness and meditation. Create time this season to teach your children mindfulness and meditation.

Serotonin is a mono amine neurotransmitter. When a child is happy, they are feeling the effect of serotonin.