Nigerians have been struggling to cope with severe economic challenges in the past one year since the advent of the current federal administration. In this interview with Faith Correspondent, Omi Omage, the Dean of lguobazuwa Deanery, Catholic Archdiocese of Benin City, Very Rev. Fr. Benjamin Brodricks, speaks on the crucial role of the Church in guiding people through these difficulties. Excerpts:
Amid the harsh economic realities in the country, how are Nigerians responding to their faith? How are church attendance and commitment to salvation being affected?
The current economic and social climate in Nigeria presents numerous challenges, and the role of the Church in guiding people through these difficulties is crucial. In spite of the harsh economic realities, many Nigerians remain deeply committed to their faith. The church attendance may vary, but the core message of hope and resilience in the Christian faith continues to resonate with many. People find solace in their faith communities, which provide spiritual support and a sense of belonging. The economic struggles have also led to an increase in the communal sharing of resources within churches, as members support each other through difficult times.
Despite the numerous religious activities in Nigeria such as fasting, preaching, and crusades, we still see an increase in crimes like money rituals, armed robbery, and kidnapping. What are the reasons behind this, and what is the Church doing to address these issues?
The persistence of crime and social vices, despite various religious activities, is a complex issue. Spiritual practices like fasting, preaching, and crusades are vital, but they cannot eradicate crime on their own. The underlying causes, such as poverty, lack of education, and unemployment, must be addressed comprehensively. The Church is working to reduce these atrocities by promoting moral values, offering education and vocational training programs, and engaging in community development projects. However, it is also crucial for the government and society at large to create an environment that reduces the temptation and necessity for criminal activities.
How is the Church impacting society in terms of guiding people toward salvation and helping them navigate economic hardships?
The Church plays a significant role in guiding people toward salvation and helping them cope with economic hardships. Many churches run charity programs, food banks, and offer financial assistance to those in need. They also provide counseling and support services to help individuals manage economic pressures while maintaining their spiritual well-being. The Church’s teachings emphasize the importance of living above sin and poverty through faith, hard work, and communal support. While the Church cannot solve all economic problems, it fosters a spirit of resilience and hope within the community.
Given the current economic challenges in Nigeria, how can individuals strive to make heaven?
Making heaven, according to Christian teachings, involves maintaining a relationship with God through faith, repentance, and living according to His commandments. In the present economic reality, this means:
1. Faith and trust in God: Believing that God is in control and has a plan for each person.
2. Charity and love: Supporting one another, especially the less fortunate, despite personal hardships.
3. Moral integrity: Staying true to Christian values and avoiding sinful behaviors, even when faced with economic temptations.
4. Perseverance: Remaining steadfast in faith and continually seeking God’s guidance through prayer and worship.
The economic reality in Nigeria is indeed challenging, but the Church remains a beacon of hope. It guides people to live morally upright lives, support one another, and trust in God’s providence. Through collective efforts, both spiritually and practically, we can overcome these difficulties and continue to strive towards the goal of making heaven.