EVERY person created by God and sent to earth was sent to fulfill a special assignment. No child is born by mistake. Parents may not have made plans for their children when they were born, but God has a plan for every child. No wonder the Prophet Jeremiah wrote in Jeremiah 1:4-5- Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Before I  formed thee in the belly I  knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I  sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Prophet Jeremiah was able to discern that the purpose of his existence was to be a Prophet unto the nations. How about you? Why are you on earth? What is God’s purpose for creating you? Why has He given you another opportunity to be alive?
If God is the Creator and owner of life, it means that life cannot be taken from anyone without His knowledge and permission. God will not permit the death of anyone on divine assignment, except for two reasons: (1) If the person has completed his divine assignment or (2) If the person was not even on the correct track of fulfilling his divine assignment.
So, that you are alive today, reading this article, is an indication that God is still interested in your life on earth. Two reasons why God may have kept you alive are:
1. For the souls that you need to bring into His kingdom which no other person might be able to save.
2. He is giving you another chance to repent. God will not compromise His standard for heaven. When He sights sin in the life of a person He loves, He gives that person room to repent. That you are alive today may just be an indication that there is something God is still seeing in your life which you need to change.
It means, therefore, that every new day that is added to your life is a fresh opportunity to make amends with God and to fulfil your divine assignment. To live your day without focusing on these two factors means that you wasted that day.
Heaven is glad at the death of a believer, but there is sorrow in heaven when a sinner dies. The death of a saint marks the completion of an assignment on earth; therefore, there is celebration in heaven over the return home of a worthy hero. The death of an unbeliever, on the other hand, is a loss to heaven and a these two scriptures: Psalms 116:15 and Ezekiel 33:11.
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints (Psalms 116:15).
Say unto them, As  I live, saith the Lord GOD,I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live—Ezekiel 33:11)
It means, therefore, that we must be sensitive to where we should be and what we must do in order to be properly positioned for the fulfiment of our divine mandate.
The assignments given to a man are categorized into primary, secondary and tertiary assignments.
This assignment is the “Must Do” of every believer’s life. The Primary assignment of every believer is to get sinners saved into God’s Kingdom. There are certain people whose salvation is attached to your destiny alone. Such people will never find Christ except you come in contact with them and lead them to Him. If you do not meet such people and you do not lead them to Christ, then it will be recorded against you. Paul wrote in Galatians 1:15-16, that soon as he discovered his primary purpose of existence, he swung into action without giving room for discouragement from men.
But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, To reveal his Son in me, that might preach him among the heathen; immediately I  conferred not with flesh and blood. Galatians 1:15-16
Paul also wrote in 2Corinthians 5:20- Now then we are ambassadors  for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God
Everyone on earth that is born again has the same primary assignment. We have been given the ministry of reconciliation. Our methods of reconciling people to God may differ, but as long as we are led by the Spirit of God, we be effective in carrying out this primary assignment.
This is your calling (or your destiny). This is what God wants you to do. This refers to the kind of impact God wants you to make on earth. This includes your job, profession, marriage, etc. Some people are meant to make discoveries in science; some others are blessed with the gift of music. Some are called to be ministers of God- making disciples and building them daily unto spiritual maturity. Some are meant to be peacemakers; some others are  meant to provide health care to the sick. Some are meant to be philanthropists, helping  those that are financially disadvantaged to make something good out of their lives. The list is endless. The secondary assignment position you for easy fulfilment of your primary assignment which is to win souls. Without this secondary assignment, you may not be able to reach those that are tied to your destiny.
Don’t see your job as an end; it is only a means to an end. God may have given you that job because of a colleague whose salvation is tied to your destiny. Your job may also have been given so that you will be able to finance the work of God, thereby bringing salvation to many. If your job gets into your head and you do not save those you should save, you will soon lose the job.
Some people were brought into marriage so that they can intercede for the salvation of those in the family they married into. Do not allow the marriage get so much into your head that you now abandon the primary assignment God expect you to fulfil.
This is your activity with God in your day to day walk that gives you opportunity to have access to the people that God wants you to bring salvation to. You cannot succeed in carrying out your primary and secondary assignments except you are sensitive to the leading and direction of God. Being sensitive to the leading of God and moving at His pace and direction is your tertiary assignment. This is the ability to know and respond to spontaneous instructions from God. Knowing when God is asking you to move or change location. Ability to respond to spontaneous instructions from God will place you at the right location at the right time. God can suddenly drop it in your mind to go to a bookshop to buy a book. Your going to that bookshop may eventually be so that you can have contact with a person God wants you to lead to Him. Philip had to move spontaneously from Samaria to a location where he came in contact with the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-29). His relocation from His busy schedule was arranged by God to get a sinner saved.
Daily meditation is an important tool for believers to check to know what God is saying. However, your heart must be open continually all through the day to hear spontaneous instructions. Instruction given by God in the morning may have been modified by afternoon due to the inconsistencies of men and the power of free will given to man. So, in such case, if you keep acting on the instruction you received in the morning, you may not get the expected result. Anytime there has not been effectiveness in carrying out your assignment, it was because you missed God’s timing. Only sensitivity to His Spirit will place you at the proper location at the exact time that will most certainly bring about effectiveness. Although Peter was focused on the assignment of bringing the gospel to the Jews, his practice of intimacy with God helped him know the new move of God to the Gentiles. God showed him a vision before sending him to Cornelius. If he was not alert, he would have missed this next agenda of God (See Acts 10).
Due to the variability of man’s choices as a result of free will, God cannot give you all the information in advance. He does not trespass man’s freedom of choice. For instance, in the Garden of Eden. He did not know that Adam will eat the fruit. That is why he is justified when he brings judgment on sinful man. It now depends on you to sensitive to spontaneity. God responds to emergencies by spontaneity. He gives emergency alert to His children who are sensitive to Him. This is where the tabernacle practice is so valuable. It is the only key that aligns you to the spontaneity of God. This is intimacy at work; constantly taking your mind from your routine: and returning back to Gods consciousness
No matter how long you spent in your closet intimacy, it does not augment for intimacy at work. It is just like in the television media, Breaking News sometimes comes up while people are waiting for the Main News package. Only those that are always watching the television, to see if there is any new information, will catch the breaking news when it comes up. Just like some people catch breaking news on television, there are those that catch breaking news in the realms of the Spirit. Such people are effectively carrying out their tertiary assignment.
If you do not package yourself for spontaneity, i.e. to be sensitive to God’s alert, you have set God up for defeat. Insensitivity to spontaneity brings failure to the believer. God is too mighty to fail. When you see failure, you are the one that exposed Him to it. In any area of a person’s life or Ministry where the failure of God looks obvious, it is a clear description of the insensitivity of a believer to the spontaneity of God. For any defeat God encountered on any day, It is because of the insensitivity of the believer to the spontaneity of God.
The answer to the tertiary assignment is practicing moment by moment intimacy with God as this is the only sure way to always be current in gaining information from God; this will make you complete your purpose on earth. intimacy is, therefore, the bottom line of existence.