Welcome to the month of March 2024. Only two months in 2024 have their first day on Friday: March is one and the second one is November. Friday is a very special day for me, reaching out to my readers gives me real joy because of my firm belief that “Behind the curtains” of home is where the society is shaped. A thriving marriage is a great addition to the betterment of the society.

This month has a lot of celebrations around family life. 8th March is International Day of Women and I am a woman. 10th March is International Day of Women Judges. 21st March is International Day of Happiness. 21st March is also World Down Syndrome Day. 22nd March is World Water Day.

Today is the first day in the month of March; it is also the gate of the month of March 2024. In your family, open the month with the right attitude, be driven toward your Maker because there are things that only your Maker can provide.

Your spouse and children are not mind-readers. If possible, hold a family meeting today to chart the course of the month or generate a game plan for how you want this month to be daily. Right attitude is the most important choice you can make each day of the month of March. Make a choice of a joyful attitude and a grateful heart.

A child who has just learned to lace his shoes was crying, so his mum asked him, “Is it that hard?” “No,” he answered, sobbing, “but now I’ll have to do it the rest of my life.” By implication, he is stuck with doing it all the days of his life, just like marriage that is forever.

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Have you ever felt like that little boy in your marriage before? You are not alone. Sometimes a lot of couples think and feel and imagine how they are going to cope for the rest of their lives because they feel the passion and romance have fizzled away. When you have that feeling, make commitment to your spouse a lifestyle. With commitment and right attitude, it is impossible to go wrong in your relationship.

Marriage is project everlasting. The commitment for this new month is choosing the right attitude. Attitude is everything. Intentionally choose an attitude of acceptance. Intentionally choose to honour and respect your spouse. Intentionally choose an attitude of caring for your spouse and children. Intentionally choose an attitude of desiring the best for your spouse and children. Intentionally choose an attitude of bringing out the best for your spouse. Intentionally choose to bring out the best in your spouse and children. Intentionally choose an attitude of erasing all offences with forgiveness. Intentionally choose an attitude of harmony and unity. Intentionally choose empathy, sympathy and apology to your spouse. Intentionally choose to compliment and complement your spouse. Intentionally choose compromise over argument. Intentionally choose to frame every spoken word with positivity in a downward spiral situations this month.

Love is an action word. Choose to love your spouse with actions, not just word and intentions; your spouse is not a mind reader. Your attitude will show love or lack of it but a right attitude will affirm your spouse.

This month, you will be rightly positioned with the right attitude for fulfillment in marriage, career and business. My greatest desire for you and your family is that you advance in wisdom, substance, relevance and resources this new month.

All things are possible with a positive attitude. The positive side is the winning side. Enjoy this great month. A thriving intimate marriage is possible with you and your spouse. The universe responds with great blessings only to those with positive mindset and right attitude. A lot of good things await you this month. Welcome to the third month of the year.