Anoda day don land again oooo!!! If you not gat reason to celebrate, abeg park well. You tink say na all of us wey yan togeda or wey join follow us brit last wik naim see today? Whoosai! Many don delete dat same day, some kpai in-bitwin why some don sign dia own death warrant for today without even dia mind. For us to survive everi tin cum de our de to still write and jollificate show say baba God wedge awa side gidigba, in it?
Anyways, all of us no say na survival of who hold him side pass wella naim we de so. We nor fit by awaself fall awa own hand na. Dat one go cum be laik who de use hammer de nak him own head and still cum de complain say headache de ajasco for him head. As pipo wey de do film, how far we don waka with awa love and bizness of dis awa films? For Obodo oyinbo, pipo wey de do film de over enjoy but why awa own film pipo nor de fit enjoy laik dat? Why e be say if any of us receive knock out from any type of sickness, na to cum begin de beg pipo for money laik bambihala? Na becos say we not sabi save kuza or na de film de deceive pipo to tink say film pipo get kuza? If na de film de deceive pipo, how de film pipo fit take do am so dat kuza go fit de cum out of am yanfuyanfu?
To make film pipo fit de make kuza wella, dat one go mean say, film pipo need to find many ways to take survive so dat man pikin no go bite finger cum de hala say “had l no”. If we reason de way many pipo take start to de do dis film bizness, you go see say, many pipo start to do film from small level to big level. Wish one be small or big level? Anyways, wen we reason am like dis: small level-film festival, big level- cinema and oda platforms to make kuza. Make una neva de shout or shift yansh for chair. Una go still undastand de area from wish l take de jack dis mata so. Small level or big level, all na film. De only difference be say one na hustle to take make pipo no you before kuza go begin flow cum, while de oda na wen you turn akpruka for how to make kuza with ya brain sharp sharp.
Film festival na wia you as film person fit de do experiment to no how to do film with ya phone, small camera and submit for film festival. If de film festival na wia you fit travel go, travel to attend and watch ya film and odas own. No skool pass day one. No forget say, inside all dis film festivals dem, wia dem for de train person de inside oooo!!! So, you as who wan learn how to sabi do ogbonge film, must to also learn how dem take first de do film, so dat shame not go catch you or cum de cry at de time you cum go sell ya papa house to take do film, and de film not cum enta laik kalokalo.
Na for film festivals you go de hia from pipo wey don de do film for big level, cum de yan how dem take start, and de wahala dem face to fit cum reach wia dem don reach. Na for film festivals you go jam all de superstars dem and no how some of dem no go encourage you to kontinu to de do ya films. Na who no de laik better tins? As long as you laik film and wan grow from small level to big level, you must to start from some wia. Film festivals go open ya mind, ya heart, ya ears and ya eyes to de tink laik ogbanje pikin. Na wetin pipo nor fit reason, you self go de see. Nor be dat one oyinbo de call inspiration abi na creativity? If you not let ya mind de stretch laik blonblo, naim be say, you by yasef wan wound yasef bcos na you go still suffer am las las.
Many pipo wey start film from film festivals level don turn Oga today, as dem don use film festival to take open de doors to dem opportunities. Nor how you go start small and cum de regular with ya tin, wey you nor go succeed as a person. Na so life take de. Film festival go open ya eyes to de bizness of film, how to jump over Kuza wahala with oda pipo you wan add join yasef to do de film bizness, how to survive for de film bizness and how to make ogbonge films plus get market for am. My advice na say, you must start from somewia if you wan make am for dis film bizness. Na to quick go arrange yaself go attend any film festival, so dat you fit learn plenty tins about film and to no how to start to do film from de beginning to de ending.
De reason l de yan laik dis, na to let una no say film bizness sweet, but you must to ready to feel de heat wey de follow am for him own kitchen. Las las, if you prepare your mind to de strong laik cocoyam, and cum ready to learn join, why you not go fit make beta film for film festival wey even fit win award plus kuza? Tell me why you not go fit join de big film league to cum begin do film for cinema??? At dis junction, l hope l don fit konvince you and not to konfuse you say, na you alone hold your future like banga and starch. So, make you enjoy. We go see again nex wik.