In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praises are due to Allah, the Almighty. We seek Allah’s blessings for every one of us.

By the grace of Allah, the Most High, today’s topic is “A Model for Mankind.” When we say, a model for mankind, the one we refer to is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). O you Muslims, this month of Rabi’ul Awwal is the month when our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born. It is the third month in the Islamic calendar.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) possessed numerous exemplary qualities. According to the Qur’an, Almighty Allah has praised the Prophet, the Angels also praise him, and we are also required to praise him at all times.

Allah has elevated him to a reputable position. That is why whenever we observe the five daily prayers, the Prophet’s name is mentioned. Whenever we read the Qur’an, his name is mentioned.

Allah has warned us never to doubt the authenticity of the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him). We are told to follow his example in a manner that will earn us Paradise. Even non-Muslims attest to this.

One of the lessons from the character of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the demonstration of mercy towards mankind and other creatures. Allah described him in the Qur’an as Shaahidan (a witness), Mubashshiran (one who gives glad tidings), and Nadhiran (a Warner).

The explanation is that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a role model for humanity. In a narration, Abdullah ibn Mas’ud was instructed by the Prophet to recite the Qur’an. While he was reciting a particular verse, the Prophet started crying. He was surprised and asked the Prophet why. The Prophet talked about the witness mentioned in the verse, which is the reason why he was crying. The lesson we should take from this is the fact that Muslims are referred to as the examples for mankind after the demise of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is a serious matter. An exemplary person must show the way.

Believers are described as the best of mankind because they encourage people to do good and discourage them from doing evil. Today, the Prophet’s way of life serves as an example for believers, who are also examples for the entire mankind since the Prophet is no more.

There are two major things that the Prophet brought to teach us: his way of life and his words (preaching). The Qur’an is the criterion between right and wrong. We must follow the instructions enshrined in it. We must also emulate the ways of life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

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O Muslims, we see some people celebrating the birthday of the Prophet. What is important at this time is to reflect on the ways of life of the Prophet, to know if we are actually on the right track.

Let us ask ourselves, how do we emulate the Prophet’s character? Let us examine ourselves, how do we live according to the Qur’an which was revealed to the Prophet? As Muslims, we must live in accordance with the Qur’an. That was the example shown by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

As Muslims, we must prioritize Allah and the Prophet. Many attributes of the Prophet include trustworthiness, mercy, and being the last of the prophets.

O Muslims, there are five things that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was given which were not given to the prophets before him. Firstly, his enemies were terrified whenever they faced him. Secondly, he could offer prayers in any part of the earth. Thirdly, he was allowed to perform dry ablution whenever there was no water. Fourthly, booty of war was made lawful. And he was granted permission to liberate people from Hell on Judgment Day. Lastly, he was sent to the entire universe.

Many do not want to follow the truth that he has brought from Allah. Let us strive hard to follow the ways of the Prophet. Let us emulate the Prophet as a father, as a husband, as a shepherd, as a leader, as an Imam, as a judge, as a teacher, as a warrior, as a legislator, and so on. If we truly emulate the Prophet in all of these aspects, society will be a good place for all.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) set a remarkable example for women’s rights and equality. He advocated for women’s education, economic independence, and social participation. His treatment of his wives, particularly Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, demonstrated respect, love, and partnership.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) revolutionized Arabian society, transforming it from a tribal and pagan culture to a monotheistic and a just society. His teachings promoted social justice, human rights, and compassion. The establishment of the Islamic state in Medina laid the foundation for a new social order based on Islamic principles.

The legacy of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) extends far beyond his lifetime. His teachings continue to inspire and guide Muslims worldwide. His example of courage, compassion, and wisdom remains a beacon of hope and a model for humanity.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a timeless example of the best of humanity. His life and teachings offer invaluable guidance for individuals and societies. By emulating his examples, we can strive to become better Muslims, better citizens, and better human beings. May Allah grant us the strength and wisdom to follow in his footsteps. And may Allah grant us ease and grant us the faith and ability to emulate Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).