Northern Elders Forum (NEF) has asked those nursing the plan to interfere with or extend the planned general elections to stay off and allow the elections hold with a peaceful transition to another government.
The forum warned that Nigerians would not accept to live under any arrangement that offends the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
In a statement issued by its director of publicity and advocacy, Dr Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, the forum said there are murmurs that hint at the possibility that the elections may not hold, and some kind of unconstitutional contraption may be forced on Nigerians after May this year.
“The severe economic and social difficulties under which Nigerians live are indeed threats to peace and security,” the norther elders said, adding that solution must be found to improve the security of the citizen and the state. “Fuel shortage can and must be eliminated immediately,” it said.
NEF said it reviewed the difficult conditions under which Nigerians live currently as well as concerns over the security of the elections to be conducted in February and March this year.
“The currency swap programme has not worked as planned, and it is strangulating economies, communities and the patience of the citizen. It should be revisited, particularly around its timelines and operations of the CBN and banks,” the forum said.
“Whatever its benefits, it cannot be of value if it destroys many aspects of the economy, or alienates already hard-pressed citizens further. The Forum advises a postponement of its deadlines and a major review of the utility of the continued stay of the leadership of the CBN in place,” it said.