Veteran Nollywood actor Francis Duru has announced the tragic loss of his son. The grieving father shared the heartbreaking news on his Instagram account on Thursday, leaving fans and colleagues in shock.

In his emotional post, Duru expressed his deep sorrow and pain, describing the unimaginable loss that he and his family are enduring. While he did not provide specific details about the circumstances surrounding his son’s death, his message conveyed the profound impact the tragedy has had on his life.

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Francis Duru is a well-known figure in the Nigerian film industry, with a career spanning several decades. He is celebrated for his versatile acting skills and has featured in numerous Nollywood movies, earning him a place among the industry’s top actors. His announcement has elicited an outpouring of condolences and support from fans, colleagues, and friends, who have taken to social media to express their sympathy and offer words of comfort.